When students write their essays, they face lots of difficulties. They may fail because of various aspects. One of them is poor planning. It’s really important to have a good plan, which takes into account every stage of writing. The general idea is pretty clear. However, many students do not know how to create a proper plan, which would be effective and logical.
We can help you. Every professional essay writer on Do My Essay knows how to manage time, consider the most vital points, and complete them perfectly. Therefore, we’d like to share our rich and successful experience with you. We offer 8 great tips for proper essay planning.
Table of Contents
Analyze Every Requirement
First of all, find out every single detail concerning your essay. Many students don’t pay much attention to academic requirements. In the meanwhile, they are the first factors, which affect your essay plan. Everything your essay demands MUST be fulfilled and so, it must be included in the plan. Make sure you know all of them and understand how to complete every requirement.
Set Priorities
Your planning must include a system of prioritization. You ought to reconsider the whole day when you are going to write. It’s understood that you have some non-academic plans like eating, sleeping, etc. They are inevitable and so, you cannot miss them. However, such things as shopping or playing games aren’t significant. Therefore, undertake them the other day. Devote to your writing as much time as you can. Thus, you’ll be sure you have done everything you could to make your essay perfect.
Brainstorm Your Topic
You should choose a good topic to attract more readers. Your outline must obligatorily include a topic selection. It may take a few minutes, as well as the entire hour. You’re expected to disclose something meaningful and currently interesting. Therefore, devote your time to this important stage.
Brainstorm it in the most suitable way. For example, you can take paper and write down all the concepts that occur to the mind. Another way is to visualize your topic using a diagram or tables. Finally, some students simply write the central idea in a search engine and click to find the most popular associations.
Make In-Depth Research
As soon as you decide what problem to disclose, begin to gather evidence. It should be planned as well. It would be good if you had some reliable sources you already know. Smart students always save the information they have found for all the essays they have already written. Saving to bookmarks, you create a great database, which can be accessed at a need.
If you don’t possess such information, review certain websites. They end with .edu, .gov, and org. These are educational, governmental and nonprofit resources. They commonly offer officially approved facts, surveys, results of scientific studies, statistics, and something of the kind. Their databases are trustworthy.
Sort Out Information Sources
Once you’re through with the researching stage, refine your sources. If you have managed to find a lot of materials, they may be quite messy. Therefore, you should bring them in order.
Divide them into logical categories. You’ll have to review them attentively to figure out how helpful they are. Divide them into the following categories:
- Very helpful;
- Requires a close revision;
- The helpfulness is doubtful.
The last position on the list may be skipped. Using a scanning or quick reading, you understand that they aren’t too useful. Review the second group more closely to determine their value. Afterward, reread the sources, which you intend to use in your project. Decide where and how to implement them into the text.
Review Your Notes
Don’t forget about your lectures and seminars. You’re supposed to be taking notes when you attended your classes. If you did so, it was the right thing. Your study notes may likely contain some vital facts about how to compose the essay type you’re assigned. Moreover, your teachers and professors could probably mention some useful tips about how to make an outline for essays. Therefore, reread your notes and use some helpful data.
Schedule Every Writing Stage
After you review your notes and the information you’ve managed to find, schedule your writing. An effective plan includes strict deadlines for every stage. Thus, a writer won’t lose the sense of time and won’t violate the date of submission. Of course, you would hardly know the exact time. Nevertheless, you may set approximate deadlines. Consider the following example:
- Introduction – 5-10 minutes;
- Thesis statement – 2-5 minutes;
- Main body – 15-20 minutes;
- Conclusion – 5-8 minutes;
- Revision – 5 minutes.
Once you make such a schedule, follow it.
Consider Keywords
It is also vital to take into account the keywords. Before you start to write, create keywords that suit different sections of your essays. Create the main thesis, as well as sub-theses for every paragraph in the main body and conclusion. Thus, your outline will be complete and effective.
Obligatorily use our recommendations when you plan your academic writing. Your plan is supposed to take into account them all. Thus, it won’t miss any vital point and you’ll organize your writing effectively.