6 Critical Roles And Responsibilities Of A Product Manager

by Phume Mdluli
Product Manager

Many people dream to work for themselves, be their own boss and hold the reins of power. Well you can strive to do all that if you become a product manager! As a product manager, one of your tasks is to plan strategies for new products or services. You could be working on totally new products or enhancements of existing ones. The first step begins with brainstorming ideas, then assessing them against predetermined goals and objectives; identifying the gap between what should exist (the gap analysis), and finally introducing your concepts into the business world (products/services). You can learn about the domain of different departments inside an organization, on this website: https://www.litmarket.org

6 Critical Roles And Responsibilities Of A Product Manager are:

1. Product Strategy

As the top person in charge of your product, you need to ensure that your product is up to date and competitive in the market. This means:

– staying abreast of existing (and future) technologies and their application; To do this, go for tech briefings and read tech blogs regularly;

– following changes in customer tastes and preferences; You can take feedback from support or sales or even run a survey;

– making sure that your product is well positioned against competition. It’s always good to keep competitors close by—knowing what they’re planning could give you enough time to stay ahead of them.

2. Enhance the Product

Organizations can drive product improvement by using customer feedback to prioritize features, determine desired functionality and eventually build a better product. This process is called Agile Development. The development teams need to be nimble in order to get closer to their users.

3. Market the Product

Once you have an improved product, market it both online and offline. Use social media channels like Twitter and Facebook for announcements about your new features or enhancements—or even about major bugs that are fixed! You can also use PowerPoint slides or upload them on YouTube or Slideshare where you can embed hyperlinks in the presentation so people who want more information will click on them easily. Going through this infographic may help you learn how to better make your pitch.

4. Listen to Feedback

This step is essential because it allows you to identify areas for improvement in your project. Don’t make the same mistake twice—listen to your users and re-focus on what they want next time! With social media, take note of which posts get shared the most within your network. Be responsive to comments about your project by replying or retweeting users who are interested in following its growth, especially if they’re influential in that specific niche market . Linkedin Pulse is a good tool where you can share interesting blog posts easily by creating an account for free. You can set up RSS feeds according to topics so when new articles are posted online, LinkedIn will send them directly via email or a notification.

After a campaign is finished, I think it’s a common practice to review your performance and see what went well and what didn’t. It’s a perfect time to adapt new strategies on social media or even experiment with different platforms . For example, if you’ve been using Facebook ads only but decided that lately they’re not working as well as before, don’t be afraid to try Twitter Ads! In this case it might be wise not only to hire an agency but also add one person in-house who can handle the campaign from A to Z. You know your business better than anyone—think about how you could have done things differently and start working towards improvement at once!

5. It’s not about getting more traffic but attracting the right customers

It’s important to remember that what matters is not how many people you can get on your website, but how many are converting into potential customers. If you’re using PPC advertising, monitoring the click-through rate should be considered as a key performance indicator for each ad group. Do some testing if that number doesn’t change too much or try switching up the headlines of your ads. If you run Google AdWords campaigns, take advantage of these great tips made by our Digital Marketing Managers! On top of all this, don’t forget to optimize your landing page ! Make sure it’s relevant to what your visitors search for and test different elements like call-to-action buttons or banners.

6. Social media

Monitoring social media is a must for every business. We’re talking about the biggest platforms in the world; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and many more. Whether you run paid campaigns on these websites or not, studying your audience’s behavior should be part of your daily routine. The best way to do that? Social listening tools like Hootsuite , where you can also schedule your posts. It’s important to know who is following you, what they like and how they interact with your company! If you want to go one step further (and really impress your boss), set up some custom reports .

Learn more about the role of project manager in a mid-level business organization, on this website: www.blogsup.net

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