Use the online method for paying light bills

by Phume Mdluli

When the first electric light lit up the streets in Kolkata, erstwhile Calcutta, somewhere in the 1870s, the pioneers may not have envisaged that in a span of 100 plus years more than 82% of the country would be electrified. With focussed efforts at all levels, in 2018, all villages in this vast country had electricity and by 2019 the aim was to electrify all households in the country. Electricity is an essential commodity – a must for our houses, our industries, and the health sector. It helps automate many industrial processes and saves hundreds and thousands of lives each year. Not to forget that it helps us lead a comfortable life, each and every day. You can learn about web-based funds transfer services that are being used on large scale, on this website:

Paying your light bill is one of the most significant tasks each month. For you know that if the bills are not paid on time, before the due date, the electric connection will be disconnected and you will be left without power for hours and days together. The kind of convenience and comfort we get to enjoy with uninterrupted power supply, this does not sound an ideal option. For millions of consumers in the country, paying their light bill on time to their respective state boards is the sensible option.

Different methods of paying for light bills

Consumers can now choose between online and offline methods to pay for their electricity bills, as per their convenience and preference. While the millennial generation is aware of how to go about making online payments, people from the older generation and people who are more accustomed to using the offline methods of bills payments are doubtful about the authenticity and the safety of the online payment method. It is important to note that:-

  1. Offline methods usually involve cash and cheque payments. However, when you decide to pay online for your light bill, you use methods like digital wallets, internet banking, UPI payment methods and also your credit and debit cards. This means that you do not have to move around the entire town or city carrying loads of cash to pay for your electric bills anymore.
  2. Online methods are safer vis-a-vis the offline methods. This is basically because the process is driven by technology and that too advanced technology that is powerful and robust. Have your energy provider, Reliant Energy plans, give you all the necessary details to complete your payment online.
  3. Online methods are fast paced and happen instantly. While offline methods involve longer hours and are led by uncomfortable manually driven processes that typically is dependent on the mood and the productivity levels of individual official and clerk at the payment counters.

Online payments can be initiated and done from the official website of your electricity board. Some of them even have their Apps now that can be readily installed on the mobile phones. The other way is to use the website or App of reliable payment aggregators like Paytm, MobiKwik and PhonePe for easy and safe online payments of light bills. Both the platforms facilitate simple and straight-forward online payments.

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