Winning 8-Step Plan: Getting Ready for an Exam Step-by-Step

by James Barret
Getting Ready for an Exam

Many college and university students admit that, more often than not, preparing for an exam is more stressful than passing one actually. Preparing for an important test or exam can be time-consuming and nerve-wracking. However, we’re here to reassure you about that! First of all, we believe that getting ready for an exam in any discipline doesn’t have to be tough. There is no need to cram or stress out. When you do a set of simple things that we’re about to discuss, go to this website and manage your time wisely, you can make sure that you’re confident and absolutely ready for anything that goes along the way!

#1 Start as Early as You Can

This one is pretty obvious. However, nothing works better than time properly managed! Provide yourself with enough time to review the whole scope of materials that you have covered in class. When you know how much material you have to check once again, you will have a better idea of how much time you will need for each share of information. For example, if you have to review class materials for an entire college semester, you will have to begin your preparation sessions a couple of weeks prior. At the same time, if you’re just taking a quick test that is related to academic material over a couple of chapters, three to five days may do.

#2 Outline Study Material

Get a blank piece of paper and use it to put down an outline that will sketch the material you have to review. Thus, you will have a “bigger picture” in front of your eyes. Begin with big and general topics that need most of your time and attention, and go on with narrow sub-topics. Fill in the details as clearly as possible. If necessary, get another sheet of paper and keep on outlining. The very moment you see all the units of material right in front of your eyes, you will be able to organize your exam preparation sessions.

#3 Get All of the Class Notes

If taking notes is not one of your strengths, make sure to approach a friend or professor and ask them for their notes. The point is that complete notes will help you to get ready for an exam faster and more productively. They might include the answers that your college books don’t, as well as make it easier to understand and keep in mind information.

#4 Re-read the Notes

Now you have to review your notes in order to study them for better understanding. Begin with the most primitive information. For instance, if you’re an art student, make certain that you know what surrealism means and who the most prominent surrealists were.

#5 Work with Study Buddy

The next step is to find someone available to get ready for an exam with. First of all, working with a partner motivates and inspires you. Second, you have an opportunity to clarify if there’s something confusing in the process. At this point, it is crucial to ensure that you clearly understand everything that you review. If you skip this essential step, you’ll end up with loads of “holes” in your “package” of knowledge.

#6 Take Notes

Yes, it is highly recommended to take more notes as you prepare for an exam. You can underline or highlight important sections of information. However, writing down some important details will help you to retain it in the best manner possible. Ensure to put down concepts that are tough to understand or that you’re struggling with remembering.

#7 Create Flashcards

When the notes are made, create flashcards on the basis of information they include. Simply cut the paper into four-sided figures and use them as your flashcards. Now make sure to turn all statements that you have into easy-to-understand questions.

#8 Challenge Yourself!

When you’re done with the reviewing and flashcards part, it is time to quiz yourself. You have to review all the questions that you have put down on the flashcards until the moment you know the answers perfectly. It’s a good idea to put the flashcards into your knapsack in order to have them at hand. You can carry them with you and check each during the coffee break or when you’re on your way to the city center, college, or elsewhere. Don’t quiz yourself intensively; make sure to take regular breaks. Keep on quizzing yourself right until the exam day.

Finally, if you planned thoroughly and kept up with the preparation, there should be just a little stress before the exam. At this point, the only thing that should occupy your mind should be a strong sense of confidence. There’s nothing wrong with feeling a bit of anxiety, but you did your job well. It is time to enjoy your well-deserved awards!

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