Surviving Your First Year in the Tech Industry

by James Barret

It is clear that the tech industry is growing, and with this growth, the need for labor rises. More jobs are moving towards this industry, which is probably one reason you are taking your own steps to find your career, and this guide will help you survive it.

Why Do You Need Help Surviving This Transition?

The problem is that getting started in the tech industry can be a little costly. You are not going to make a lot of money at the beginning of your career, so you’ll definitely feel some of these costs.

This is especially true for those starting at the bottom with a basic income. This can definitely make things a little harder. It should be pointed out that the tech company may need a lot of people, but that doesn’t mean employers aren’t picky. You are entering a highly competitive job market, where making it could feel almost impossible.

You can take steps to make yourself more employable, like earning the right degrees or certificates, but sometimes these can end up costing you money as well. Some people may even have to work for free to gain the experience needed so that employers trust your knowledge.

You also have to worry about equipment, like high-powered computers or laptops, external storage solutions, hardware, software, antivirus, and malware. These are things you’ll have to purchase on your own most of the time to get ahead in the tech industry.

How to Overcome the Financial Hurdles of Transitioning into Tech?

There are going to be some financial blows you’ll take as you try to get into this industry. You are going to have to be ready for these blows.

In the beginning of your career, you may find that your expenses exceed your income. This may make it challenging to save money during this time, let alone cover any unexpected expenses that might arise. If you find yourself facing unexpected, emergency expenses and don’t have enough savings to cover them, you can consider asking family, getting a second job or side hustle, applying for installment loans or securing a line of credit. These steps should be able to help you during an unexpected financial emergency.

Of course, there are other steps you can take that can help you be more prepared to deal with potential hurdles, like the following:

Pay Attention to the Employer’s Perks

One thing that is important is to make sure you do your best to work with employers who are willing to pay for some of your certifications or all of them. These types of employers are rare, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find them. All you have to do is try because getting training taken care of or getting help with the fees associated with getting certified should definitely take you a long way.

Practice a Little Extreme Savings

Saving, especially at the beginning of your career, is going to be pretty important for you. Not only can this help you deal with some of the purchases you’ll have to make but can also help pay basic bills even when your money is tight. Extreme savings basically means separating needs from wants. Decrease how many times you eat out. Don’t purchase clothes if you still have some. Consider purchasing some items used to reduce costs. Walk more often since it’s free, and work on eliminating debt. You can cut your housing expenses by staying with parents, friends, or even by getting a roommate.

Practice Self-Care When You Can

Self-care is important at the moment because the stress of being broke can get to you from time to time. You are going to want to take time to do some meditation, yoga, or other forms of exercises designed to help you feel more at peace. You may not think this is important, but letting stress run amok can hurt your ability to be attentive, creative, and productive, which could end up hurting your goals.

These are some things you can consider to help you to survive your first year in this industry. It’s going to take some patience and sacrifice for you to find a path to this new career of yours, but it should prove worth it.

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