Road Hand Signals That You Should Be Recognising While Driving

by Phume Mdluli
Road Hand Signals

There will be times when drivers will be in a situation where someone or themselves will be needing to use hand signals. Turn signals and brake lights help in keeping everyone safe and aware on the road. Even motorcyclists and bicyclists utilise the commonly used hand signals. By knowing how to recognise and use these signals, you will be keeping everyone on the road within better communication and thereby prevent any accidents & collisions. You can learn about the road signs that you must know before driving a vehicle on a highway, on this website:

There are mainly three basic hand signals that you should know about – turning right, turning left and stopping. In this article, we’ll be discussing every hand signal in-detail, with the help of driving school in Melbourne.

The Various Road Signals That You Should Be Knowing About

Turning Right

When when you want to turn right from a straight road, ensure that your left arm is extended out of your driver-side window. Hold your hand at a 90-degree angle. Such a hand signal is extremely useful for drivers because you’ll not have to extend your hand out from the passenger side window. Your hand should be flat and also the fingers should be straight up.

Turning Left

When you plan on turning left, the proper hand signal that you should be using is to just stick your arm of the vehicle. Ensure that you use your fingers in such a manner that others on the road shouldn’t consider this as a nonchalant action. The rules should be to keep your hand vertically so that your intent is clear.


If you want to stop at the middle of the road or need to stop urgently, then you need to let others on the road aware of the same. You should then extend your left hand downward at a 90-degree angle with the palm facing backwards.

It should be noted that you should not rely on the stopping signal alone. It’s also important to glance over your rear-view mirror regarding what’s coming behind you. Even though this hand signal is the universal sign for stopping or braking, some drivers do rely upon car brake lights – which may lead them to ignore your hand signals altogether.

For those who are driving on a bicycle or motorcycle, these hand signals are much more noticeable. Ensure that your hand signal is always clear to the incoming traffic and be sure to learn your surroundings before doing so. In case the person behind you doesn’t notice your hand signal or the fact that you’re planning to stop, you’ll still have enough time to move out of the way before getting hit. Learn more about different hand signs and sign languages being used on global level, on this website:

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